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Help Your Online Chemistry Students Master VSEPR Theory
Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory is the cornerstone of molecular geometry in chemistry, allowing scientists and science students alike to grasp the 3D structure of molecules. Now, why is it important to know the shape of a molecule? Well, the shape determines its physical and chemical properties which ultimately tells us what the molecule can do and what reactions it can participate in. Pretty big deal!
For online chemistry teachers, teaching VSEPR theory can be challenging because you’re trying to convey three-dimensional structures using a two-dimensional screen. In a real classroom, you could have your students manipulate physical molecular kits and show them the 3D structures of molecules. However, online, you’ll have to get creative and explore other avenues of teaching this concept.
In this article, we’ll take a look at some strategies for teaching VSEPR theory online and highlight its importance in the broader context of chemistry education.
Understanding VSEPR Theory

VSEPR theory helps predict the shape of molecules based on the repulsive forces between electron pairs in the valence shell of atoms. The fundamental principle is that electron pairs will arrange themselves as far apart as possible to minimize repulsion, leading to distinct molecular shapes.
Key concepts include:
1) Electron Groupings: Regions where electrons are likely to be found, including bonding pairs and lone pairs. A single bond, a double bond, a triple bond, and a lone pair each count as one electron grouping.
2) Electron-Pair Geometry: This depends on the number of electron groupings.
- Two electron groupings: linear
- Three electron groupings: trigonal planar
- Four electron groupings: tetrahedral
- Five electron groupings: trigonal bipyramidal
- Six electron groupings: octahedral
Don’t confuse this with molecular geometry, which takes into consideration whether the electron grouping is a lone pair or bonded pair.
3) Molecular Geometry: Depending on how many electron groupings are bonded pairs and how many are lone pairs, there will be different names for each combination within each electron-pair geometry. Refer to this chart below to see all of the possibilities:
4) Effect of Lone Pairs: Lone pairs (LP) exert more repulsion than bonded pairs (BP), often altering ideal bond angles. The lone pairs would push the bonded pairs slightly closer together. The order of repulsive forces from greatest to least is: LP-LP > LP-BP > BP-BP.
Why VSEPR Theory Matters

1) Predicting Molecular Shapes: Understanding molecular geometry is crucial for predicting physical and chemical properties. Every molecule has its unique functions in the world, so by knowing its structure, we can also determine its uses.
2) Chemical Reactivity and Mechanisms: The spatial arrangement of atoms affects reactivity and mechanisms of reactions. By understanding the 3D shapes of molecules, we can predict how they will behave in different situations.
3) Biological Relevance: Molecular geometry is vital in understanding biological molecules and their functions. This helps us better comprehend the processes that are happening in our bodies.
Strategies for Teaching VSEPR Theory Online
1) Interactive Simulations and Models
- Use online tools such as PhET Interactive Simulations or online molecular kits such as CheMagic to allow students to visualize and manipulate molecules in 3D.
- Encourage students to get their own set of a physical molecular model kit or you can show yours through the screen.

2) Flipped Classroom Approach
- Provide pre-recorded lectures or video tutorials explaining the basics of VSEPR theory.
- Use live online classes for interactive problem-solving and discussions by having students determine the molecular shape of different compounds.
3) Visualization and Drawing Exercises
- Teach students to draw Lewis structures as a foundation for predicting shapes. Then, teach them to use the solid lines and dotted lines for bonds to show atoms going into the page and coming out of the page. This turns a 2D drawing into a 3D structure.
- Incorporate drawing software or tools like ChemSketch to help students practice and submit their work.
4) Collaborative Learning
- Use breakout rooms in virtual classrooms for group activities where students can work together to determine molecular geometries.
- Implement peer-review sessions where students critique and learn from each other’s drawings and predictions.
5) Real-World Examples and Applications
- Discuss real-world molecules and their geometries, emphasizing relevance in pharmaceuticals, materials science, and environmental chemistry.
- Incorporate case studies or current research that highlights the importance of molecular shapes.
We hope you’ve found this article helpful for your future online chemistry classes! How has your experience been teaching VSEPR theory? How do you make this complex topic accessible and interesting for your students? Share them in the comments below!