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9 Final Conversation Topics from Q to Z for an ESL Class
Never run out of conversation topics again in your ESL classroom! We have categorized an entire list of conversation topics and questions from A-Z. Use these in your ESL classes to help your students improve their conversation skills and be more confident in their English speaking!
If you haven’t seen the previous two articles yet, check them out here:
8 Conversation Topics from A-H for an ESL Class
8 More Conversation Topics from I-P for an ESL Class
Last but not least, we present you with 9 final conversation topics from Q to Z!
1) Questions
We were all born curious and ever since we gained the ability to speak, we’ve been asking questions nonstop. Questions play a major role in everyday conversation, so discuss with your students the importance of questions and how to use questions to our advantage.
Sample questions:
- What was the hardest question you ever had to answer?
- How to ask a good question?
- Asking questions is the best way to learn. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
2) Religion
This topic may be sensitive, so please use it to your own discretion. If you have a group of students who are very open-minded and don’t take offense easily, you can have a fascinating discussion about religion.
Sample questions:
- What do all world religions have in common?
- Do you follow a religion? Why or why not?
- How do you differentiate between religion and spirituality?
3) Society
We’re all part of a society and we can participate in different societies over our lifetime. Discuss with your class the advances of modern society and why it’s important to be part of a society.
Sample questions:
- How has society changed over the years of your life?
- What are some of the most significant advances in modern society?
- Why is society important for human development and growth?
4) Travel
Whether your students are experienced jetsetters or have the desire to see the world, this conversation can take your students on a walk down memory lane or give them the inspiration to travel.
Sample questions:
- Share about the most memorable travel experience you’ve had.
- What are the top five destinations on your travel bucket list? Why?
- How does traveling influence a person’s life and personality?
5) Universe
The universe is vast and our planet Earth is just a small part of it. Ponder with your students about the expanse of the universe, but be careful of triggering any existential crises!
Sample questions:
- Do you believe that extraterrestrial life exists?
- If given the opportunity, would you want to travel to space? Why or why not?
- The earth is just a mere speck in the massive universe. How does that make you feel?
6) Virtual Reality
With high advancements in technology over the past few decades, virtual reality has become integrated in various industries. Talk with your students about their experiences with virtual reality and their thoughts about the effects of virtual reality in modern society.
Sample questions:
- Have you tried virtual reality before? Explain your experience.
- Which industries do you think virtual reality could be useful in?
- Are there any dangers in using virtual reality? What are they?
7) Weather
Weather is the most common small talk topic, but you can make it more interesting than just asking “How’s the weather?” Discuss with your students about their experiences with weather, their preferences and how human activity is affecting the weather.
Sample questions:
- Do you prefer to live in a place with consistent weather or changing seasons? Why?
- What is the craziest weather you have ever experienced?
- How do you think humans are affecting the weather around the world?
(We’ll skip over X as there aren’t many good topics to discuss with this letter.)
8) Youth
We have all experienced youth and your students may still be considered youth. If your students are adults, you can reminisce about your youth together and if your students are younger, you can talk about current trends among youth.
Sample questions:
- How do today’s youth compare to youths in the past?
- What are some common trends with youth today? Do you think they will last long?
- “Youth is wasted on the young.” George Bernard Shaw. What do you make of this statement?
9) Zoos
Whether you love zoos or think they are unethical, we have all gone to the zoo at least once in our lives. Talk with your students about their experiences with zoos and whether they believe that zoos provide good living conditions for animals.
Sample questions:
- Describe your last experience visiting a zoo.
- Should animals be kept in zoos? Why or why not?
- If you were the director of a zoo, which animals would like to have in it?
We hope you enjoyed these 9 conversation topics and can use them in your ESL classes! What are some other topics you like to discuss with your students? Share them in the comments below!