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10 “False Friends” between Spanish and Portuguese
Spanish (ES) and Portuguese (PT) are the two most widely spoken languages around Latin America. Knowing one of these languages makes it a lot easier to learn the other. However, there are various “false friends” to beware of!
“False friends” – formally known as false cognates – are words that look similar in the two languages but have completely different meanings. If you know one of these languages and want to learn the other, keep an eye out for these 10 “false friends”!
1) Asistir (ES) / Assistir (PT)
Spanish: to attend
Example: ¿Te gustaría asistir a un partido de fútbol conmigo?
English translation: Would you like to attend a football match with me?
Portuguese: to watch
Example: Você gostaria de assistir a um jogo de futebol comigo?
English translation: Would you like to watch a football match with me?
2) Pegar
Spanish: to hit
Example: Mi hermano me pega.
English translation: My brother hits me.
Portuguese: to pick up
Example: Meu irmão me pega.
English translation. My brother picks me up.
3) Perú (ES) / Peru (PT)
Spanish: Peru (country)
Example: Yo amo Perú.
English translation: I love Peru.
Portuguese: turkey
Example: Eu amo comer peru.
English translation: I love to eat turkey.
4) Pronto
Spanish: soon
Example: Voy llegar pronto.
English translation: I’ll arrive soon.
Portuguese: ready
Example: Estou pronto.
English translation: I am ready.
5) Borracha
Spanish: drunk (girl)
Example: Esa chica borracha necesita ayuda.
English translation: That drunk girl needs help.
Portuguese: eraser/rubber
Example: Eu preciso de uma borracha.
English translation: I need an eraser.
6) Atender
Spanish: to serve
Example: ¿Nos van a atender?
English translation: Are they going to serve us?
Portuguese: to answer (the phone)
Example: Você vai atender o telefone?
English translation: Are you going to answer the phone?
7) Novio (ES) / Noivo (PT)
Spanish: Boyfriend
Example: Vivo con mi novio.
English translation: I live with my boyfriend.
Portuguese: Fiancé
Example: Moro com meu noivo.
English translation: I live with my fiancé.
8) Aceite (ES) / Aceitar (PT)
Spanish: oil
Example: Agregue más aceite al plato.
English translation: Add more oil to the dish.
Portuguese: to accept
Example: Eu não quero aceitar isso.
English translation: I don’t want to accept that.
9) Acordar
Spanish: to agree
Example: ¿Estás de acuerdo?
English translation: Do you agree?
Portuguese: to wake up
Example: Você acordou?
English translation: Did you wake up?
10) Largo/a
Spanish: long
Example: La reunión fue larga.
English translation: The meeting was long.
Portuguese: wide
Example: A mesa é larga.
English translation: The table is wide.
Do you know any other false friends between Spanish and Portuguese? Share them in the comments below!